Friday, 24 April 2015

You mean Lizzie made you jump?

Anyone who has ever been involved in amateur dramatics will not be surprised that sometimes seemingly odd things appear, like the panto cow being stuffed and standing in our sitting room window to scare the doo daa out of my poor husband when he came home from work, sorry dear X. Lizzie will be performing at Lawrence Sherrif School production of Spamalot next week and there are some very good performers and some very good voices among the cast.
 On a more quilty note this was made by C and will adorn the end of her daughters bed.
The back is nice too.
 I had just three ladies to do my free motion applique workshop at Lutterworth. They all chose to do cup cake mug rugs and were happy with what they achieved at the session.
 On Saturday we get together to sew at South Kilworth, this little project I have prepared for E who has not sewn a zip before, I thought it would be a good step before the Boinic Gear Bag.
 These packages of buttons were posted to me from China, I have not ordered them, they are lovely and if you ordered them for me thank you very much. X

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

I have been quilting some more.

Lynda do you remember this backing? I washed the quilt and more fraying occurred. 
The front now looks like this, quilted and bound and ready for a new home.
 This is another group quilt by Newton village craft group, just needs binding, disappearing nine patch again, not one block needed attention and it went together quite well, quilted with my favourite dragonflies this is a fund raiser for someone from the village who is going to the transplant games with very best wishes and good luck from me.
What is up next? some dressmaking perhaps.